Experts and specialists are saying…

Fostering mental health at work:

The butterfly effect of management behaviours

With Alexandra Lecours, OT, Ph. D., Regular Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

As managers, did you know that your behaviours can, not only support your employees’ mental health, but also encourage them to adopt behaviours that support their own mental health?

In this video, Prof Alexandra Lecours shares 20 specific, concrete, and simple behaviours you can do to make it happen.

To know more about this subject…

To learn more about how employees can contribute to the psychological health of their managers, read the Global-Watch Scientific Interpretation What if we also looked after managers’ mental health?.


This initiative is supported by the Chief Scientist of Québec with the Québec Research Funds.

Pierre Breton
Author: Pierre Breton