Maintaining workplace health and well-being during the COVID-19 crisis
Renowned scientists and specialists dedicated to helping employers and workers
During this period of uncertainty and anxiety, it’s even more important to take care of employees and loved ones. True to its mission of promoting the movement from science to action when it comes to workplace health and well-being, Global-Watch continues to provide high-quality information to employers and their employees.
We would like to recognize the work of the researchers, experts and specialists who are striving to develop these resources, providing employers with credible recommendations based on good practices.
This initiative is supported by the Chief Scientist of Québec with the Québec Research Funds.
Resources and tools related to Covid-19
- To consult our Mitigating psychological health risks and psychosocial risks in times of uncertainty and pandemic Global-Watch Toolkit, visit the Toolkit section.
- To consult our Global-Watch Scientific Newsflashes, visit the Scientific Contents section.
- To consult our clips by experts and specialists, visit the Tools and Resources section.
- To consult the tools developed and shared by our affiliates, visit the Community of Practice section.
You can also make a research using the keyword “COVID-19” in the search engine of the menu at the top of this page to access all content related to Covid-19.
“Global-Watch Scientific Newsflashes”
Inspired by the Global-Watch Scientific Interpretations, PhD students from different disciplines and universities will write practical “scientific newsflashes” about topical themes related to the current situation based on international scientific studies. Under the direction of France St-Hilaire, associate professor of Human Resources at the Université de Sherbrooke’s School of Management and director of the Global-Watch Scientific Interpretations, these “Global-Watch Scientific Newsflashes” will be published each week.We invite you to share and circulate them widely to those who might find it useful.
Global-Watch wholeheartedly thanks all the PhD students and Prof. France St-Hilaire who have rallied around and provided volunteer contributions to these “Global-Watch Scientific Newsflashes”.
With translation support provided by Asiatis
“We are in a time of information overload, where the web is teeming with all kinds of information and advice. Our goal with this ‘Scientific Newsflash’ initiative is to make scientific knowledge widely accessible for all employers, managers or employees wanting to benefit from rigorous knowledge and concrete objectives and courses of action.” – Marie-Claude Pelletier, President and Founder of Global-Watch
“Given this crisis, how can we, as employees or managers, continue working while maintaining our health and well-being? PhD students will provide answers to this question based on scientific knowledge. The Scientific Newsflashes are brief news items based on rigorous research, but conveyed in layman’s terms and understandable by everyone, allowing us to face the unprecedented challenges before us. I am very proud and touched by the students’ social engagement.” – Prof. France St-Hilaire, director of the Global-Watch Scientific Interpretations
Experts and specialists are saying…
Experts, specialists and researchers speak directly to managers and employees, offering them practical recommendations on several subjects. New videos will be added regularly.
Other useful resources
Material exclusively for affiliates
What better way to get inspired during this crisis—with everything evolving so quickly—than by taking advantage of tools already in use by employers?
CGI: view the tools
- Tips to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic – for employees
- Teleworking and Wellbeing – for managers
Groupe AVRIL: view the tools
- Notes à destination des managers : Accompagnement des équipes mobilisées sur les sites Avril face au covid-19 (in French only)
- Consignes pour les sites d’accueil (in French only)
- Comment mettre en place le contrôle température? (in French only)
- Consignes pour gérer une personne qui présente des symptômes (in French only)
- Logigramme : Quelle conduite tenir si un cas probable/ possible/ confirmé se présente dans une équipe? (in French only)
- 5 conseils pour être efficace en télétravail (in French only)
- Réutilisation d’un masque jetable (in French only)
- J’adopte les bonnes pratiques en télétravail (in French only)
- J’accompagne mon équipe en télétravail (in French only)
- Guide pour plan de reprise des activités (in French only)
- Livret : Mon retour à Monceau (in French only)
Pratt & Whitney: view the tools
- Guide pour les gestionnaires : santé émotionnelle face à la covid-19 (in French only)
Via Rail: view the tools
- Déclaration des risques chez les employés (in French only)
AFNOR: view the tools
- Masques barrières : Guide d’exigences minimales, de méthodes d’essais, de confection et d’usage (in French only)