Thematic dossier

New workplace realities: organizational initiatives and management practices that promote mental health

Video : Daily management practices that promote your employees’ mental health along with your own, in person or remotely (In French)

By: Sasha Elbaz, Romane Masson and Justine Blaise Richards, candidate in work and organizational psychology, UQAM
Under the supervision of Sophie Meunier, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, UQAM

Companies are facing new work realities that can affect the mental health and well-being of employees. Adapted strategies, which meet the needs of employees and managers, must be implemented to address this issue.

Managers can prevent and reduce the mental health challenges their employees face and support their well-being. To do so, they must develop management practices and adapt them to different work settings.

This video provides an overview of the issue.