Composed entirely of employers.
Global-Watch affiliates located in various countries meet regularly to draw inspiration from science and expert knowledge, employer testimonials and toolkits so they can move to action more easily.
An overview of past community of practice activities
Global-Watch Meetings, Global-Watch Thematic Working Groups and Global-Watch Virtual Coaching Groups: Meetings where you can exchange ideas with the Global-Watch community
3rd edition of the Global-Watch Meetings, Paris: Artificial intelligence and its impact on people at work
Meeting report on the Global-Watch meeting from may 21-22, 2019
Returning to work after a long-term absence
Report on March 27 videoconference
Report on the Global-Watch Lunch Conference, january 29, 2019 : Peter Kelly
Report from the January 29 conference with Mr. Peter Kelly, British expert in the field of workplace mental health.
Video – Testimonials from our affiliates (in French only)
Listen to what our Global-Watch affiliates have to say!
Exclusive materials for affiliates
What better way to get inspired during a crisis – where everything changes so quickly – than taking advantage of tools that employers are already using?
During the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, Global-Watch affiliate employers wanted to share some of their tools and practices with the entire Global-Watch Community of Practice as a gesture of solidarity.
Global-Watch has made them available to you here in their original form, as developed by employers themselves.
CGI: view the tools
- Tips to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic – for employees
- Teleworking and Wellbeing – for managers
AVRIL Group: view the tools
- Notes à destination des managers : Accompagnement des équipes mobilisées sur les sites Avril face au covid-19 (in French only)
- Consignes pour les sites d’accueil (in French only)
- Comment mettre en place le contrôle température? (in French only)
- Consignes pour gérer une personne qui présente des symptômes (in French only)
- Logigramme : Quelle conduite tenir si un cas probable/ possible/ confirmé se présente dans une équipe? (in French only)
- 5 conseils pour être efficace en télétravail (in French only)
- Réutilisation d’un masque jetable (in French only)
- J’adopte les bonnes pratiques en télétravail (in French only)
- J’accompagne mon équipe en télétravail (in French only)
- Guide pour plan de reprise des activités (in French only)
- Livret : Mon retour à Monceau (in French only)
Pratt & Whitney: view the tools
- Guide pour les gestionnaires : santé émotionnelle face à la covid-19 (in French only)
Via Rail: view the tools
- Déclaration des risques chez les employés (in French only)
AFNOR: view the tools
- Masques barrières : Guide d’exigences minimales, de méthodes d’essais, de confection et d’usage (in French only)