Webinars, workshops and benchmarking

Regular virtual activities with different formats and objectives, enabling you to learn and reflect with other organizations on priority topics in mental health and well-being at work.

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International discussion group

Ce Groupe de discussion international sur la santé et qualité de vie au travail contribue à favoriser le passage de la science à l’action au sein de notre communauté anglophone qui s’étend dans le monde entier.


Webinars, workshops and benchmark objectives

  • Increase your knowledge through short virtual activities.
  • Reflect as a group on priority topics for employers in the community of practice.
  • Benefit from a space to discuss, share ideas, compare and improve among practitioners in the field.
  • Contribute to taking action in your organization.

International discussion group

Ce Groupe de discussion international sur la santé et qualité de vie au travail contribue à favoriser le passage de la science à l’action au sein de notre communauté anglophone qui s’étend dans le monde entier.

Frame 16-1

As needed, affiliated employers can suggest themes to be addressed according to their needs for the workshops and benchmarking sessions organized and facilitated by Global-Watch. This is one of the many benefits of being part of the dynamic Global-Watch community of practice!

  • Réflexions et discussions sur vos stratégies, objectifs, enjeux, leviers, etc.
  • Transfert d’informations quant aux bonnes pratiques de déploiement d’une démarche structurée et accompagnement à certains moments-clés
  • Présentation aux décideurs
  • Rétroactions sur votre plan stratégique
  • Échanges avec d’autres employeurs vivant des situations similaires à la vôtre
  • Autre soutien selon les besoins

Témoignages de nos adhérents

Voyez ce que nos adhérents pensent de notre accompagnement stratégique

Global-Watch allows us to easily access credible content and research results. It is an added value for us to be part of the Global-Watch community, as we are constantly inspired by the content provided and the experiences of other members.

Suzanne Bossy

Director, Health and Well-being, CGI, Canada

Global-Watch allows us to easily access credible content and research results. It is an added value for us to be part of the Global-Watch community, as we are constantly inspired by the content provided and the experiences of other members.
Réal Cassista

Director, Health and Well-being, CGI, Canada

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