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A new thematic dossier on women’s health

Women’s health, and menopause in particular, is a crucial topic that deserves special attention in the workplace. Menopause, a natural stage in a woman’s life, can have a significant impact on her well-being at work. Global-Watch is aware of this reality, and offers a thematic dossier designed to support women and organizations in this transition.

Women’s health and menopause in the workplace

Menopause is an important transitional phase in a woman’s life, marked by hormonal changes that can lead to a variety of physical and emotional symptoms. In the workplace, these changes can impact employee productivity, commitment and well-being. It is therefore essential for organizations to understand these issues and put in place appropriate support measures.

Companies have a key role to play in creating an inclusive and caring work environment. By recognizing and responding to the specific needs of perimenopausal and menopausal women, they can not only improve their employees’ quality of life, but also foster a more inclusive, high-performance corporate culture.


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The Workplace Impact of Menopause: Challenges and Opportunities

Menopause, a normal, natural and inevitable phenomenon of aging, affects 51% of the general population, making it a major public health issue. Its consequences on women and organizations are significant, ranging from decreased performance to prolonged absences and presenteeism. The impact of menopause on women’s well-being is very real and requires special attention.

Approximately 1/3 of women experience moderate to severe difficulties managing their work due to psychological symptoms associated with menopause. Contributing factors to these challenges include financial pressures, suboptimal self-assessment of health, depressive symptoms, and negative psychosocial risk factors.
In addition to these factors, work-related stress poses the greatest risk associated with menopause.

Organizations that choose to proactively approach menopause enjoy a multitude of benefits. By creating supportive work environments for this phase of life, companies can not only improve talent retention by reducing attrition, recruitment, and training costs, but also boost employee productivity and engagement. A workplace that supports women’s health and well-being during menopause can also decrease absenteeism and strengthen employees’ value proposition.

Overview of tools

Tool 1 – A primer on creating menopause friendly workplaces

This tool is designed for human resources professionals and aims to provide resources and practical advice on how to approach menopause sensitively and effectively. Global-Watch reviewed 16 credible and relevant sources to develop this guide, which offers concrete courses of action to support women and organizations.

Tool 2 – Menopausal workplace-friendly workplace guide

Aimed at female employees, this tool aims to provide a better understanding of perimenopause and menopause, particularly in the context of women in the workplace. It explores the factors contributing to health problems during perimenopause and provides a self-care guide adapted to this period. With a focus on optimizing the pillars of holistic health, the tool offers practical strategies for maintaining physical and emotional balance.

These tools aims to:

  1. Understanding the impact of perimenopause and menopause on women and organizations.
  2. Offering individual action paths for women related to this stage of their personal and professional lives.
  3. Exploring concrete ways to prevent risks and improve the quality of life for women at work.