Global-Watch News
Update of the toolkit “Mitigating psychological health risks in times of uncertainty”
We are pleased to announce the update of this toolkit, which is designed to help employers manage psychological health risks during a time of uncertainty or turbulence. The content of this toolkit is based on more than 100 credible references from around the world, as well as on meetings with various experts.
Psychological health is a growing concern for employers but also for major organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). In fact, they recently called for business leaders to implement concrete measures to reduce workers’ mental health problems by focusing especially on stressful work environments and by intervening at the level of employees’ distress.
Why update this toolkit on psychological health and psychosocial risks?
In order for the kit to address the current reality of the world of work, several updates were done in terms of content. First, the context of the COVID-19 pandemic was removed to adapt the content to any uncertain or turbulent context that a company could experience. Also, several other adjustments were made: for example, to incorporate recent data on workplace mental health and to reflect the new provisions of the Quebec law regarding psychological health and psychosocial risks in connection with the Act to Modernize the Occupational Health and Safety System.
What tools and topics are covered in this kit?
The kit contains around 25 tools organized under the 5 main stages in the process of launching an approach in a company, from showing the importance of taking action and mobilizing stakeholders to measuring and improving the process. Various topics are covered in the tools, such as:
- barometer for psychological health
- peer support
- resilience
- signs of psychological distress
- workload
- stigmatization
- maintaining social connections
- evaluating well-being while working remotely
- etc.
Tools can be used for supporting both the person responsible for implementing the process in human resources and managers so they can take action.
When should we consult this toolkit?
If your company is going through an uncertain period, related, for example, to a major restructuring, budget cuts, a drop in demand for your products or services, or the implementation of a new technology, all of these situations can affect employees’ psychological health. During such a time, the tools in this kit help you to enrich and optimize your organizational practices so that psychological health is considered in your process. Also, it is important to take psychosocial risks into account during major changes in a company, as these changes can lead to new risks that were not detected before.
How can I access the toolkit?
The toolkit is available now! If your company is a member of Global-Watch, we invite you to go and discover or rediscover the toolkit, especially if you are currently going through a time of uncertainty or turbulence. The toolkit is available here.
If you would like request information on becoming member of Global-Watch, please visit this page.
In addition, Global-Watch offers various thematic conferences related to the topic of psychological health and psychosocial risks. You will find all the information on the available conferences on this page.