Category: Employers’ Experiences
Employers' Experiences
In this video, Geneviève Mérette, Director of the RWO for the past 15 years, shares with us the context and initial needs, the stakeholders involved, the initiatives and interventions, the benefits, as well as the challenges and levers related to the implementation of the RWO.
Employers' Experiences
Employers’ experiences
Employers' Experiences
Employee attraction and retention are some of the needs that led the Canadian fire protection company Guard-X to invest in a WLB procedure.
Employers' Experiences
In this video, you will discover the different WLB measures employed by Tootelo, as well as their challenges, success factors and much more interesting information!
Employers' Experiences
Quality of life at work is a sustainable collective performance issue for Société Générale, and an opportunity to better support transformations within the company, prevent psychosocial risks, develop innovation and individual and collective efficiency, stimulate employee commitment, improve the daily lives of employees and attract candidates and retain employees.
Employers' Experiences
Employer Experience